- IP Law Contracts (i.e. trademarks, patents, software and Home Video products License and Sub-License Agreements; Distribution and Sub-Distribution Agreements; Copyright License Agreements; Software Development Agreements; Hosting and Housing Agreements);
- Negotiation to agreements closing;
- Litigation;
- Advising on IP Law matters.
Main issues I’ve worked on:
- international sub-licensing agreement for home-video products;
- NDA agreement for patent evaluation;
- international trademark and cartoon properties licensing agreement for the sell-thru market;
- software exclusive distribution agreement;
- written legal advice about copyright fair use;
- home-video products distribution agreement;
- software renting agreement;
- litigation about unauthorized reproduction of home-video products;
- software development agreement;
- end user license agreement for software products;
- web hosting and web housing agreement;
- written legal advice about the use of a registered trademark to describe a product;
- litigation about use of confidential information;
- advice about Privacy Law compliance;
- written legal advice about likelihood of confusion between trademarks;
- litigation about infringement of software licensing agreement;
- software source-code transferring agreement.